Advancing Biodiversity Surveying Skills: EMC’s Biologists Complete Specialised Training
Approximately fifteen biologists from Environmental Management Consultants Inc. (EMC Inc.) have successfully completed both the theoretical and practical components of a comprehensive Biodiversity Assessment Training. This initiative is expected to significantly enhance the quality of biological surveys conducted in Guyana.
The training program included in-depth theoretical sessions and hands-on practical experience, covering critical aspects of biodiversity assessments, enhancing participants’ knowledge in planning and designing assessments, field survey methodologies, data analysis, and reporting. As part of the practical component, the biologists conducted on-site assessments at the Saxacalli Rainforest Centre, which is managed by EMC Inc. and located along the Essequibo River.
During these assessments, various monitoring techniques were employed, including the use of butterfly nets, pitfall traps, mist nets, and moth lights, among others. These methods facilitated the identification of numerous species, including mammals, bats, amphibians, birds, butterflies, and other insects.
The training was led by EMC’s Biodiversity Specialist international reknown Dr. Francis Clarke, who brings over twenty-five years of experience in biodiversity conservation and environmental management in Guyana.
Dr. Francis Clarke and Participants setting up a Butterfly Trap
Animals Observed during the Practical Component of the Biodiversity Assessment Training
Participants setting up Camera Traps
Participants Assessing Bats Caught in the Mist Nets
Participants Practicing Fish Assessment Techniques
Environmental Management Consultants Inc. (EMC) is an environmental service provider and promoter of green growth. EMC works to support efforts aimed at the protection and sustainable management of Guyana’s environment.