World Biodiversity Day 2022: EMC Joins Calls to Build a Shared Future for All Life
On Sunday May 22nd, 2022, global attention will be focused on biodiversity issues as we
observe International Day for Biological Diversity. This observance is done annually to increase
understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues.
This year’s theme, ‘Building a Shared Future for All Life,’ was chosen to build momentum and
support for a strong global biodiversity framework that will ‘bend the curve’ on biodiversity loss.
Guyana is located in two of the world’s most biodiversity-rich zones, The Amazon Region and
the Guiana Shield. The country’s ecosystems are largely intact and Guyana has one of the highest
levels of biodiversity in the world with more than 900 species of birds, 625 known fresh water
fish species, 250 mammals, 250 amphibians, 210 reptiles, and 8000 plants.
Environmental Management Consultants Inc. (EMC), as an environmental service provider and
promoter of green growth, works to support efforts to protect and sustain this rich biodiversity.
“Guyana’s biodiversity is integral to its people and economy. Leveraging it is key to addressing
many of the country’s sustainable development aspirations and building a shared future for all
life,” says Shyam Nokta, EMC’s Managing Director. “EMC supports our clients to integrate the
highest environmental standards and procedures, including biodiversity protection and
management in their activities. We conduct biodiversity assessments and resource mapping
exercises across Guyana’s coast and hinterland which helps to build knowledge and awareness
of Guyana’s rich biodiversity. We continue to work with partners to support initiatives aimed at
raising awareness and promoting a better understanding and appreciation of biodiversity.”
EMC, as part of it’s Corporate Social Responsibility is supporting the Saxacalli Rainforest
Centre and Mahaica River Birding Tours initiatives to continue exploring, documenting, and
protecting Guyana’s rich biodiversity and ecosystems.
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