Oil and Gas
While the oil and gas industry is relatively new in Guyana, EMC has provided support to major sector leading investors for over 10 years. EMC is one of the leading Guyanese consultancies providing environmental services to the sector.
EMC’s experience in oil and gas include:
- Collaborated with regional and international service providers to prepare Strategic Environmental Assessments.
- Conducted Environmental Impact Assessments for projects in the Stabroek Block, Roraima Block, Georgetown Block, Corentyne Block and Orinduik Block offshore Guyana.
- Prepared Environmental Management Plans for oil field drilling and completions liquid mud plant and cement bulk facility in Georgetown and a wharf, logistics yard and storage facility in the Berbice area.
- Conducted a Risk Assessment, in collaboration with an international service provider, for a drilling fluids production, cementing bulk operations and storage facility on the East Bank of Demerara.
- Conducted an Ecosystem Services Study across the coast of Guyana as part of environmental compliance requirements for a major offshore oil and gas production project.
- Currently conducting a Participatory Fish Study across the coast of Guyana as part of environmental compliance requirements for a major offshore oil and gas production project.
- Provided technical assistance to oil and gas operators in preparing and submitting applications for Environmental Authorization for seismic and exploratory drilling.
- Currently providing environmental compliance support for shore base facilities.
EMC also facilitates stakeholder engagements for oil and gas sector clients and provides logistical support to enable client-stakeholder engagements in hard to reach regions of Guyana.