Environmental Awareness Leads to Action
Annalise Lima is an Accounts Clerk in the Finance and Administration Team at EMC. She is responsible for the day-to day financial transactions and an integral part of the team.
“At EMC provides opportunities for everyone to grow and have experiences. Of course, we all have specific roles, but staff are more than happy to lend a hand when additional support is required in other teams. I’ve found that I thrive in this environment of balanced teamwork and independence.”
“I enjoy being part of the EMC team, which has smart, kind, and funny people who like to get things done. Although I did not specialise in environmental studies, I know much more about Guyana’s people, culture, and environment than before joining EMC. I am excited when we have new projects, as they provide opportunities for us to learn, meet people, and grow.”
“The more you learn about the environment, the more you care about and take action to protect it. I am proof of that. This is why I believe in our work and share what I learn with as many people as possible.”
Environmental Management Consultants Inc. (EMC), as an environmental service provider and promoter of green growth, works to support efforts to protect and sustain Guyana’s environment.